Annotated protein:Dmx-like 2. Gene symbol: DMXL2. Taxonomy: Rattus norvegicus (Rat). Uniprot ID: F1M3W5
antibody wiki:
SynGO gene info:SynGO data @ DMXL2
Ontology domain:Cellular Component
SynGO term:synaptic vesicle (GO:0008021)
Synapse type(s):hippocampus
Annotated paper:Nagano F, et al. "Rabconnectin-3, a novel protein that binds both GDP/GTP exchange protein and GTPase-activating protein for Rab3 small G protein family" J Biol Chem. 2002 Mar 22;277(12):9629-32 PMID:11809763
Figure(s):Fig.3B, Fig.4
Annotation description:Sub-fractionation showing increased immunoreactivity in protein normalized loading. Co-enrichment with Rabphilin and independent marker for synaptic vesicle.
Evidence tracking, Biological System:Intact tissue
Cultured neurons
Evidence tracking, Protein Targeting:Antibody (detection)
Evidence tracking, Experiment Assay:Electron Microscopy
Western blot
Biochemical fractionation (generic)
Annotator(s):Noa Lipstein (ORCID:0000-0002-0755-5899)
Cordelia Imig (ORCID:0000-0001-7351-8706)
Vincent O'connor (ORCID:0000-0003-3185-5709)
Nils Brose (ORCID:0000-0003-0938-8534)
Lab:Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine, 37075 Göttingen, Germany
SynGO annotation ID:477
Dataset release (version):20231201
View annotation as GO-CAM model:Gene Ontology